Upper Black River Dams Meeting
On February 11, 2017 the Department of Natural Resources and the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, along with a team of University of Michigan graduate students conducted an open forum meeting at Forest Township Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to gather information from the public and to hear their concerns related to the possible closing and removal of the Tower and Kleber Dams and begin a conversation that would help the decision making process. The meeting was attended by about 100 citizens and representatives from the Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, Huron Pines, Sturgeon for Tomorrow and the Black Lake Association.
The University of Michigan students presented their background information and will now document the concerns voiced at the meeting and present their finding at a later date. The important factor gleaned from the meeting is that there are no immediate plans to remove the dams. The owners of the dam presently have an operating permit that will expire in 2024. They are in the process of applying for renewal licenses.
If, and when, any new information or meetings surface, we will notify you on the Black Lake Association website, www.blacklakeassociation.com. The DNR has agreed to attend our July 10, 2017 membership meeting to give us an update. In the meantime we will keep you posted with any new information by putting it on our website.