Launch Ramp at Black River Marina Site Open
The following message was received from Keith Cheli, October 10, 2019, re the opening of the launch ramp at the site of the former Black River Marina.
Good Morning –
Good news, as of today the improved launch ramp at the Black River Boating Access Site is open for public use.
Please note that a vault toilet and skid pier for the ramp will not be installed until next spring 2020 so site users will need to be prepared to make the necessary accommodations in the interim. Also of note is a new vehicular maneuvering pattern on site. When entering the site, follow the “one way” traffic signs which will take you around the north side of the former marina store and concession building. Continue driving around the east side of the building and pull up along the south side of the building. This maneuvering pattern will allow an easy back up maneuver nearly straight on to the new ramp. It is important to note that the site access (and temporary orange construction fencing) will provide for all traffic to remain on public and not private property. If you haven’t visited [the visited] the site recently you will notice improved conditions that include dilapidated dock and finger pier removals, limited shoreline stabilization, new gravel and grading, removal of the store from porch and deck, site cleanup of tires and containers and basic site directional signage.
Furthermore, this week we received approval of our funding request to move forward with site environmental cleanup. We have begun the administrative process to organize this effort which will be our next priority. Our goal will to complete the site cleanup next spring/summer.
Thank you, we will continue to provide updates to this group as information becomes available.
Keith Cheli, Landscape Architect
Regional Field Planner
MDNR Parks and Recreation Division
Cheboygan Field Office
120 A Street
Cheboygan, MI 49721